I may give the second in this series a look, because other people have raved about the author, but I'm not expecting to like it, much. In this, book one, the mystery was OK, though I saw the outcome about half the book before the protagonist did, and the writing was not bad. Humorous, even. But, and its a big but -- people with no boundaries are sick and dangerous to others. Virtually every primary character in the story had no boundaries at all. In fact, that lack of boundaries was a plot element. Supposedly, they reformed at the end (under legal contract to do so) but I'll believe that if I see it in the second book. The author may have been going for madcap, but really...it was just crazy, and not the good kind.
Came thisclose to "couldn't finish", but since the preface and acknowledgments took up a good 10-12% of the book, I figured I might as well stick it out to the end.